Friday, September 27, 2013

Just like eating a homebaked cookie

"I'm so glad I'm not a dentist.  How many times does someone say, 'Oh doc, it felt so good when you were drilling my teeth'?  Never.  But when you give someone a wonderful cookie, you put a little of yourself in, and you see someone's face light up - that's immediate approval."  -- Paula Deen

I honestly do understand what her intent was with this quote.. however, it's just not the most well thought out.  Comparing a part of a process (drilling) to an end product (cookie) is not a fair comparison.  Maybe she should compare drilling to watching raw egg and sugar swirl in the mixer. :P

Truth: people don't enjoy a tooth being drilled. 
Truth: people usually don't like getting shots by their dentist. 
Truth: The two prior truths are dramatically alleviated with a competent dentist.  I've heard so many patients remark how surprisingly painless it is when Dr. Hashimoto administers shots.  He's got the magic touch, he can shoot once, he can shoot twice, he numbs the baddest mouths.. :P
Truth:  When patients see the end product, they are as happy, if not happier, as when they receive a warm, home-baked cookie.  Patients that previously avoided smiling with their teeth are now proud to show off their pearly whites.  And you know what?  We put ourselves into making your smile better and we live off seeing your face light up as well. 

Here are a few such examples...


After with veneers


After - Porcelain laminates

Here's the last truth:  Home-baked cookies are so good... That's my failed attempt to bring this blog full circle and back to Paula Deen. hah


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