Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Brushing your teeth

Have you noticed in television, film, and even cartoons people tend to brush rather vigorously?  Sure, they're probably just trying to emphasize the fact they're being clean and doing the daily routines...but if it were real life, I'd tell them, "Freeze! Drop the brush, and slowly back away."  Okay, I wouldn't really say that, but people need to know that's not how we should brush.  Gentle is key.

Actually, if I had my way, everyone would be using a Sonicare electric toothbrush.  No disclosures, just an honest recommendation from knowledge and experience.  Some people ask if they should brush the same with Sonicare as they would a manual brush, and the answer is NO.  Akin to society these days, we can mostly kick back and let the machine do the work.  All you need to do is hold your Sonicare at approximately 45 degree angle and slowly, gently move the brush across your teeth, pausing to let the vibrating bristles take away the plaque.  The angling of the brush is what aids in cleaning the plaque away from the gums. 

Why do you need to be gentle?  Brushing too vigorously at the gums will actually contribute to a receding gum line.  The soft tissue of the gums become damaged with poor brushing, which leads to the gum receding.  Not hot.  ;)

So let your children learn the habit of brushing from TV/movies...but you show them the proper way!

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